Tuesday I tried this:
AMRAP in 25 minutes:
Row 300m
15 DB Thrusters @ 15/hand
50 Double Unders
and got to 20 minutes with 5 rounds and felt like I was going to pass out because I had no air.
Today I tried this:
Snatch moderate + Jerk moderate + Clean moderate
A. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps x 4 sets, 1 min - nothing over 65lbs, focus on speed
50/55/60/65 felt better today than I have with snatch lately. power snatched the last rep. oops.
B. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 4 sets, 1 min - nothing over 90lbs
70/80/85/90 felt heavy today...
C. Above Knee Hang Squat Clean, 4-3-2-1, 1 min - start @ 65lbs, add 5lbs total per set
And I'm done with running with weights in my backpack. No matter how I wrap the dumbbell, it still bounces around and bruises me. I have so many bruises on my tailbone/lower back right now! I don't really understand why this Goruck challenge makes you carry bricks in your bag, a sandbag or water or something would be less ouchy and bruisy. Maybe carrying the bricks wont be as bad.
Ok so on Tuesday I was determined to get better and I just started to get into juicing so I thought "I'm going to make a cold-busting juice" so I packed it with all the things I know to blast through colds. Here is the recipe that you should NOT make. It tastes as disgusting as it looks, and I'm still sick, so it obviously is not the magical cure I thought it would be:
2 kale leaves
1/2 green apple
1/2 lemon
big finger sized piece of ginger
1 orange
Turns out ginger is a VERY strong flavour. It felt like I was drinking pure spicy acidic ginger. That burning must have done something damaging to the cold germs....
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